Thursday, 19 November 2015

What Is High Blood Pressure?

High blood pressure, also called hypertension, means the pressure in your arteries is higher than it should be.

Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against the walls of the arteries as the heart pumps blood.

If this pressure remains consistently high, it can cause many complications in the body.

Left untreated, high blood pressure can lead to health problems such as heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, and more.
What Is Considered High Blood Pressure?

If your doctor consistently reads your blood pressure as 140/90 mmHg (millimeters of mercury) or higher, you will most likely be diagnosed with high blood pressure.

Hypertension is a very common condition, in both developing countries and industrialized nations.

In fact, according to the American Heart Association, more than 76 million Americans over age 20 — or 1 in 3 adults — have high blood pressure.

Risk Factors

The following can increase your chances for developing high blood pressure:

Older age: The risk of high blood pressure increases as you age.

High blood pressure is more common in men who are 45 years of age and older, while women are more likely to develop the condition after age 65.

Race: High blood pressure is more common in African-American adults than in Caucasian or Hispanic-American adults.

African-Americans tend to develop hypertension earlier in life and often experience more severe cases that lead to serious complications, such as stroke, heart attack, and kidney failure.

Family history: Having a family history of high blood pressure can also increase your risk, as the condition tends to run in families.

Being overweight: The more you weigh, the more blood you need to supply oxygen and nutrients to your tissues.

As the volume of blood circulated through your blood vessels increases, so does the pressure on your artery walls.

Obesity — especially abdominal obesity — also increases stiffness in arteries, which increases blood pressure.

Sedentary lifestyle: Being inactive is often linked to factors that can increase your heart rate, such as obesity and type 2 diabetes.

And the higher your heart rate is, the harder your heart has to work.

Tobacco use: When you smoke or chew tobacco, your blood pressure rises temporarily.

Moreover, chemicals in tobacco can damage the lining of your artery walls, which can cause your arteries to narrow, increasing your blood pressure.

Being exposed to secondhand smoke also can increase your blood pressure.

Dietary choices: What you choose to eat (and not to eat) can increase your risk for hypertension, including the following:

    Too much salt (sodium) can cause your body to retain fluid, which increases blood pressure.
    Since potassium helps balance the amount of sodium in your cells, not getting enough potassium can lead to too much sodium in your blood.
    While studies are limited, vitamin D may affect an enzyme produced by your kidneys that affects your blood pressure, so having too little could be harmful.

Alcohol consumption: Drinking more than two drinks a day for men and more than one drink a day for women may affect your blood pressure.

Stress: Being under intense stress can lead to a temporary increase in blood pressure.

Moreover, if you try to cope with stress by overeating, using tobacco, or drinking alcohol, all these can contribute to your high blood pressure.

Chronic conditions: Having kidney disease, sleep apnea, or diabetes can affect blood pressure.

Pregnancy: Being pregnant can cause an increase in blood pressure.

Birth control: Women who take birth control pills are at greater risk of developing high blood pressure.
Children and High Blood Pressure

While most common in adults, hypertension is becoming more common in children and teens.

Kidney or heart problems can cause high blood pressure in kids, but so can lifestyle habits, such as poor diet, obesity, and not exercising.

Children who are African-American and Mexican-American are more likely to have high blood pressure than Caucasian children.

Moreover, boys are at higher risk than girls.

If left untreated, high blood pressure can lead to the following:

    Heart attack, angina, or both
    Heart failure
    Kidney failure
    Peripheral arterial disease
    Retinal problems (retinopathy)

Monday, 16 November 2015

Are you or your loved one suffering from diabetes ?

Are you or your loved one suffering from diabetes ?

Watif Health is launching intellectual Mobile App that helps to manage your  Health. 

You can help to save someones’ life.  Learn more about this innovation at
It manages your treatment, insulin & calories. Monitors your physical activity, diet, medications which affect your blood glucose level. The app understands the cause of your abnormal glucose level. Suggests best ways to keep in under control.  Reminds you of the next blood glucose test and insulin intake.

It also handles, hypertension, dyslipidemia, Chronic kidney disease, Heart disease and various other functionality like consulting a doctor, maintaining medical history which includes prescriptions, images & reports.

Watif Health is a global health service dedicated to helping people improve their health, wellbeing, and sense of security.

Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) are the leading cause of death globally. The four main NCDs are cardiovascular diseases, Hypertension, Diabetes, Cancer and Chronic respiratory diseases. The burden of these diseases is rising disproportionately among lower income countries and populations.
As recorded by the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2008, nearly 80% of NCD deaths — 29 million, occurred in low- and middle-income countries. In 2012 they caused 68% of all deaths (38 million) up from 60% in 2000, about half were under age 70 and half were women. The World Health Assembly in May 2012 set a global target to reduce deaths from NCDs for people under 70 years of age to 25% by 2025.


  • Our Mission is to provide the healthcare industry with innovative Smart ICT solutions that address global health challenges posed by epidemics such as Non-Communicable Diseases.
  • To Deliver evidence based, meaningful use and patient centered health ICT solutions that eliminate variation of care . To deliver smart ICT solutions that are reproducible and scalable.